In my previous blog entitled " Glimpses of quality improvement in COVID-19pandemic"(,I mentioned about glimpses and opportunities for quality improvement during the pandemic. At that time, I could not have imagined that NQOCN will exhibit a real example of the utilization of resources and opportunities during the pandemic. Before the lockdown, NQOCN was involved in various teaching and training activities. Several training programs and training of trainers, TOTs, on Point of care Quality improvement, POCQI, used to be organized. The organization was working very actively with MoHFW, GOI for the implementation of the LAQSHYA Program in medical colleges and district hospitals of India. The national mentoring group was mentoring 12 medical colleges of India and several district hospitals in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. But all these activities and several other office activities of NQOCN came to a halt because of the worldwide imposition of lockdown. During the lockdown, onsite mentoring, seminars, workshops, training, coaching, etc activities were strictly prohibited. This resulted in a sudden break in all quality improvement activities of NQOCN in healthcare which was extremely demotivating for both mentors as well as mentees. It took some time to explore the different possibilities to resume these activities, as the pandemic was unexpected to all and everybody was apprehensive about the disease too.
Gradually NQOCN adapted to the circumstances and very wisely implemented technical advances to resume the quality improvement activities and other organizational activities. The online inauguration session of NQOCN POCQI COP, first of its kind in India and South-East Asia; resuming clinical and quality improvement mentoring online in district hospitals of Madhya Pradesh, conducting e- election for governing board members of NQOCN, and two days online training workshop on POCQI with the concept of breakout rooms for close interaction between facilitators and trainees are just a few examples to name. NQOCN utilized technology splendidly and the events got countless appreciations. The success of these online sessions supplied the opportunity to explore the provision of such online sessions even after the pandemic. These online sessions were convenient, offered flexibility, provided more individual attention and financial savings, opportunity to connect to the wider audience, and inculcated behaviour of self-discipline among participants. In the ever-changing world, full of surprises and new possibilities ,NQOCN explored and offered far greater opportunities and ways to implement QI than ever before. NQOCN broaden the scope and reach of QI to far greater horizons that perhaps ever imagined.